Tuesday 14 June 2016

Fenousse - Sweet Curdled Milk



  1. Liquid Milk - 1 cup
  2. Vinegar - 1 tbsp
  3. Sugar - 2 tbsp
  4. Vanilla Essence - 1 tbsp


  1. Bring the Milk & Vanilla to boil in a non stick recipient & add the Vinegar.
  2. Stir with a wooden spoon on low heat until all the milk has been curdled. You may need to add more vinegar but do not add excess.
  3. Strain off the excess liquid by pouring the milk chunks on a cotton cloth & squeeze.
  4. Return the milk chunks into the recipient & mix in the sugar.
Chill & Serve! 

Rasgullah - Popular Sweet Dessert


  1. Milk Powder - 3 cup
  2. Flour - 1 cup
  3. Baking Powder- 1 tsp
  4. Ghee -2 tbsp melted
  5. Nestle Cream - 1 small can
  6. Liquid Milk - 1/2 cup
For Syrup:
  1. Water - 3 cup
  2. Sugar - 2 cup
  3. Cardamom - 2
  4. Vanilla Essence - 1 tbsp


  1. Make the syrup first. Put the Water, Sugar, Vanilla essence & cardamom to boil until thick. Turn off & allow to cool.
  2. In the mean time, mix all above ingredients together to form a paste.
  3. Make small balls with the paste & fry on medium heat,
  4. Drain excess oil & put in syrup.
  5. After 5 mins, remove the balls & place in another recipient.
  6. Let it cool & serve.

Monday 13 June 2016

Rasmalai - An easy Indian recipe



  1. Milk Powder - 2 cup + 12 tbsp
  2. Eggs - 2
  3. Unsalted Butter -2 tbsp
  4. Baking Powder - 2 tsp
  5. Water - 1 L
  6. Almonds - 10 g
  7. Saffron Thread - a pinch
  8. Sugar - 6 tbsp
  9. Vanilla Essence - 1 tbsp


  1. Mix the 2 cup of Milk Powder with the Eggs, Butter & Baking Powder to make a paste.
  2. Make small balls a bit smaller than ping pong size ball with the paste & keep.
  3. Mix together the 12 tbsp Milk Powder, Water, Sugar, Vanilla Flavor & Saffron Thread and bring to boil.
  4. Chopped the Almonds & add to the boiling milk.
  5. Add the small balls slowly to the milk & let it boil for 5 mins more & turn off.
  6. Let it cool & serve.
Optional: Make plain jelly & grate it in the rasmalai before serving.


Friday 10 June 2016

Delicious Milk Cake - Barfi

Milk Barfi


  1. Powdered Milk - 1kg
  2.      Nestle Cream - 1 big can
  3. Sugar - 2 cups (500g)
  4.        Water - 1 1/2 cup (375ml)
  5.    Ghee - 1 big tbsp (25g)
  6.   Vanilla Flavour - 1 cap
  7.      Chopped Pistachio - 20g


  1. Mix the Milk Powder with the Nestle Cream & it will resembles breadcrumbs.
  2. Blend the milk mixture in a mixer until it becomes powdered again. Leave aside.
  3. Put the Sugar and Vanilla Essence to the Water & let it boil to make a syrup.
  4. When syrup is thick, pour the milk into it & add the Ghee. Continue to mix on low heat until the mixture is nearly dry.
  5. Put the milk mixture on a greased recipient, spread the Chopped Pistachio & allow to dry.
  6. Cut in any form & serve.


Thursday 9 June 2016

Sweet dessert Kulfi Malai (Ice Cream)

Kulfi Malai


  1. Nestle Cream (2 big can- 290g x2)
  2. Condensed Milk ( 1 big can - 306g)
  3. Evaporated Milk (half 354ml can)
  4. Powdered Milk (2 table spoon)
  5. Kesar Filaments (A pinch)
  6. Cashew Nuts ( Approx 20g or more)
  7. Almonds (Approx 20g or more)
  8. Vanilla Flavor (1 bottle cap) 


  1. Put the Nestle Cream, Condensed Milk, Evaporated Milk, Kesar, Vanilla  and Powdered Milk in a recipient and whisk well.
  2. Put on medium heat and continue to mix. Just before it starts to boil, turn it off.
  3. Blend the Cashew Nuts, chop the Almonds and mix it in the milk mixture ( Kulfi).
  4. Let it cool, then pour it in Kulfi mould and let it freeze for 6 hours.
