Friday 10 June 2016

Delicious Milk Cake - Barfi

Milk Barfi


  1. Powdered Milk - 1kg
  2.      Nestle Cream - 1 big can
  3. Sugar - 2 cups (500g)
  4.        Water - 1 1/2 cup (375ml)
  5.    Ghee - 1 big tbsp (25g)
  6.   Vanilla Flavour - 1 cap
  7.      Chopped Pistachio - 20g


  1. Mix the Milk Powder with the Nestle Cream & it will resembles breadcrumbs.
  2. Blend the milk mixture in a mixer until it becomes powdered again. Leave aside.
  3. Put the Sugar and Vanilla Essence to the Water & let it boil to make a syrup.
  4. When syrup is thick, pour the milk into it & add the Ghee. Continue to mix on low heat until the mixture is nearly dry.
  5. Put the milk mixture on a greased recipient, spread the Chopped Pistachio & allow to dry.
  6. Cut in any form & serve.


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