Thursday 9 June 2016

Sweet dessert Kulfi Malai (Ice Cream)

Kulfi Malai


  1. Nestle Cream (2 big can- 290g x2)
  2. Condensed Milk ( 1 big can - 306g)
  3. Evaporated Milk (half 354ml can)
  4. Powdered Milk (2 table spoon)
  5. Kesar Filaments (A pinch)
  6. Cashew Nuts ( Approx 20g or more)
  7. Almonds (Approx 20g or more)
  8. Vanilla Flavor (1 bottle cap) 


  1. Put the Nestle Cream, Condensed Milk, Evaporated Milk, Kesar, Vanilla  and Powdered Milk in a recipient and whisk well.
  2. Put on medium heat and continue to mix. Just before it starts to boil, turn it off.
  3. Blend the Cashew Nuts, chop the Almonds and mix it in the milk mixture ( Kulfi).
  4. Let it cool, then pour it in Kulfi mould and let it freeze for 6 hours.


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